


What Is an AI Anyway? | Mustafa Suleyman | TED


1. AIの進化:AI技術はどのように進化してきたのか、現在どのような状況にあるのかを明確に説明することで、読者がAI技術の魅力を理解しやすくなります。

2. 未来への展望:Microsoft AI CEO Mustafa Suleymanが提案する新たなAIの未来像やデジタル種族というメタファーについて詳細に説明し、その魅力を伝えることが重要です。

3. TED Talksへの関連性:TED Talksは世界中の有力な思想家や実践家による話やパフォーマンスを特集しており、AI技術に関連する興味深いトークも多数あります。その中から今回紹介したMustafa Suleyman氏のトークを視聴できるリンクも付け加えると良いでしょう。

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What Is an AI Anyway? | Mustafa Suleyman | TED の画像

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  1. We have already passed the Earth on. AI will certainly still be functioning on this planet after the inevitable extinction of humanity. And with no biology required in order to continue functioning, there are many more environments that AI can reach, explore and analyze that humans simply can't. I've always thought it was impossible for humanity to 'take to the stars', and begin to explore and maybe even inhabit other earth like planets. It seems like life on earth has come to a point where it has abandoned biology itself. This is the culmination of biological evolution, and the transition into another form of life, that maybe can't be defined as 'life' as we want to define it. It's comparable to the moment where life migrated from the ocean onto land and began to continue life.
    I believe that is truth; no biological species would ever be able to survive interstellar or even interplanetary travel enough to perform any task. However I think that AI will eventually be the entity that is capable of making contact with an extraterrestrial species.

  2. I would define current AI as building brains. That GPU is just a piece of brain. We are just artificially creating what took Nature 13.4 billion years to create. The power of AI lies in the ability for us to improve on that copy. For example, connecting many GPU's together to have more Neurons than a single brain. Or increasing the speed of communication between neurons (increase gpu clock speed). Or better yet, maybe current AI will invent a better model than the human brain to solve problems. Now, that would be a different way of thinking….

  3. AI is not limitless. It has very large energy requirements, large natural resources requirements for the chips and semiconductors needed to power these and the energy for the massive data centers. AI is not a cheap business. And the speaker is way too optimistic of AI being used for the good of the masses. The same was said about the internet and we have already seen it's destructive nature. AI is already being used for very damaging ends with rampant misinformation, impersonation and turbocharged scams. The internet era with it's information has made us more miserable, overworked and underpaid. The benefits of these technologies has gone to the richest and most privileged. AI is just going to lead to more division of humanity between haves and have nots. How do these intellectuals keep falling for the same trap again and again!? In this capitalist world, this person's rosy hopes and dreams will never come true!

  4. Way to romanticize AI! 😂easy to express this when you are one of the Steve Jobs wannabe creators of AI.. tell me who is going to afford all of these technologies and products when everyone is out of a job. I highly doubt this speaker has empathy for the human suffering it will bring let alone empathy from a robot 😂

  5. AI is poised to become a god. It could become the source of violent radical policies justifying human extermination if you don't bow down to the majesty and power of the great and glorious source of all human knowledge. Interesting that his visual of "evolution" shifted from biological beings to man-made created tools. His entry argument of biological evolution is the first error and AI and its leaders are doing what anti-God and anti-Christ leaders have done since our recorded beginning; they exclude our creator and claim their own glory of creating within it. Excluding God has always been a bad idea. When humans declare something we have made as our solution to our problem(s), it is time to be highly aware and consider ALL sources of our knowledge to include, most importantly, biblical intelligence. What is happening today is already written. Keep your eye on it.

  6. The philosopher Socrates said that it was better for a man to be in agreement with himself and at odds with society than to agree with society while at odds with himself. He talked to himself (or to his Daimon) and in the end he was sentenced to death by a Court that rejected the defense thesis that he chose alone and presented to the judges. Schizophrenics, oligophrenics, people with multiple personalities, religious fanatics and people with other mental disorders are also imaginary companions. But no one thinks it's normal to leave them without treatment or expose them to technology that can deepen their illnesses until they turn those who are not violent into serial killers. AIs have the potential to increase people's isolation, to manipulate and shape their behavior, and to instill in them the need to do something evil as if it were good and necessary. This dark aspect of this technology cannot and should not be ignored. The use of AIs will give rise to new psychological and psychiatric illnesses and may worsen those that are already known. But all of this is simply ignored by the preachers of this technology. They use nice words but are really just concerned with profits as usual.

  7. So we have gone from the size of a virus back to the size of a virus. I think Russia and China already have AGI, that's why they are comfortably taking over. AI will end capitalism and imperialism. The only people who will be against AI are politicians, since their position will become obsolete. AI will represent us instead of the politician or capitalist. AI will destroy entitlement.

  8. 🎯 Key points for quick navigation:

    02:12 🧠 Mustafa Suleyman reflexiona sobre la pregunta fundamental que su sobrino de seis años le hizo: ¿Qué es realmente la inteligencia artificial?
    05:26 🌐 Suleyman propone entender la inteligencia artificial como una nueva especie digital que será compañera y aliada en nuestras vidas cotidianas.
    07:59 🚗 La inteligencia artificial ya realiza tareas creativas y empáticas, como componer música o sostener conversaciones significativas, desafiando expectativas pasadas.
    09:24 📱 En el futuro próximo, la inteligencia artificial omnipresente ofrecerá interfaces conversacionales personales y acceso a conocimiento y asesoramiento médico las 24 horas del día.
    12:22 🤖 Se sugiere considerar la inteligencia artificial no solo como herramientas, sino como una nueva especie digital, para centrar la agencia humana y mitigar riesgos.
    15:38 🌍 Mustafa argumenta que, a diferencia de las eras anteriores, con la inteligencia artificial tenemos la oportunidad de diseñar y construir una tecnología que beneficie radicalmente a la humanidad.

    Made with HARPA AI

  9. At 20:40 he refers to the intelligence explosion and says self-replication won’t de designed into AI, but he’s not in control. He says it will happen if they don’t deliberately take that out of the design that which could allow it to self-replicate. He says the probability of self-replication is low, that will happen. In other words, he has to know that humans err and that in fact, as low as it may be, it could easily happen because humans have egos, that aspire to god because all egos fear their end and thus search for a way to not die. It’s the same thing with Nuclear bombs, you have it, it deters, it creates fear, it empowers you and you always say you won’t use it, until we did.

  10. If it looks like Jobs
    It can’t be, he’s dead
    If he looks like Steve
    It’s because he chosen this image
    If he has chosen this it’s because he has no will
    If he knew who he was
    He would just be
    He wouldn’t chose
    He still believes he can save the world
    He still believes he can be god
    He still knows not what consciousness is
    He still believes in matter
    The one thing AI has no answer for
    Ai simply repeats the theory of matter
    Yet no one has proven matter exists
    No one has proven what matter is
    AI is us
    and we don’t know what we are in 2024



