
Unveiling the Surprising Power of AI: The Key to Revolutionizing Our Future


“AI” Has A Huge Problem..


1. AIの進化:AI技術は急速に進歩しており、ChatGPTやGPT 4oなど、新しいテクノロジーが次々と登場しています。これらの技術は、私たちの生活やビジネスに革命的な変化をもたらす可能性があります。

2. 実用的なAI:一部のAI技術は実用的でなく、過去に解決した問題を再現するだけであると言われています。しかし、今日では本当に役立つAI技術が開発されつつあり、単なるマーケティング用語ではなく、実際に価値を提供するものとして注目されています。

3. 生産性向上と時間管理:AI技術を活用することで、スケジュール管理や作業効率の向上が可能です。例えば、時間ブロック法(time-blocking)を活用することで、自分のスケジュールをしっかり管理し、生産性を向上させることができます。

4. Enrico Tartarotti氏:Enrico Tartarotti氏はテックプロダクトマネージャーであり、デザインや心理学に関する知識を活かしてインターネット上で様々なものを作っています。彼のチャンネルでは、テクノロジー製品やインターネット制作にまつわる裏話や興味深い情報が紹介されています。

5. クリエイティブコミュニティ:Enrico Tartarotti氏のコミュニティでは、クリエイティブな人々が集まり交流し合っています。彼の動画やコンテンツに興味を持った方々が集う場所として注目されています。

このようにポイントごとに記事を構成し、「AI技術」や「Enrico Tartarotti氏」というキーワードを中心とした魅力的な内容で読者の興味を引きつけることが重要です。


Written by Enrico Tartarotti


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  1. But wait we'll have AGI soon. Models consuming data and hallucinations by other models. Its already becoming more difficult for professionals to distinguish the fairy tales from reality. It'll get worse before it gets better. Theres only so much quality data out there to train models on and we've pretty much run out of it already. Laws and regulations around copy right and identity have yet to catch up further restricting the pool the new model will be allowed to train on.

  2. It's not useless, it's just not being used properly. I can imagine a world where we can use our own personal AI models and it wouldn't be considered cheating because they've been trained on every piece of k-12 assignments we've done. Thus would be an accurate academic mirror. But of course…. who needs integrity? Right? Just train it on Eintsein and Picasso. Then everyone will be the same. Also. AI has great potential for chemistry. It just shouldn't be a consumer thing unless it's in video games. Because to be honest I've wanted fully conscious dolls since I've discovered the Sims. Ya know? That would be awesome. And the ethical dilemmas it proposes would also be awesome. Way better to whine over the torture of an little computer pet than a real human being. Can't wait (for real)

  3. You say AI is not a Google killer, but I've been using Brave's summarizer, and have mostly stopped looking at the search results. The summary usually gives me what I wanted to know. I only rarely drill down if I want a second opinion, or want more details on part of the answer mentioned. Although, often times, I'd just make a new more specific search instead.

    Pointing that this model does not work as well for text-to-image is kind of a strawman. It's not the same type of AI. You CAN use LLMs to generate stable diffusion prompts for you, and then you don't need to mess with the voodoo-like command-line-like nature of image generators. But, from the get-go, the image generators are not using the same type of AI, or even the same sort of underlying algorithms, as LLMs. They're also not as mature as a technology.

    As for travel plans, it also feels like a strawman. For the simple reason that booking options are a moving target. Flight times and prices can change, hotel availability can change, you can't use an AI trained on 3-years-old data to plan for a trip today. What you need is a specialized system that can actually access databases of currently available flights, hotels, attractions, etc, and can then run a filter on that. The problem is that feeding a prompt into ChatGPT will simply not do that. You'd need a different way to feed it with the necessary up-to-date data.

    This is where Brave's summarizer shines. Because it can use up-to-date data taken from the search results. And it is specifically fine tuned to interpret said data.

  4. Yeah people keep telling me to use ChatGPT for meal planning… but if I specify calories and protein needs it just can’t do it. There are huge limitations people don’t see until they genuinely try to solve a problem. It can help with certain things, but it’s not a replacement for humans. It’s laughable that people compare it to almost PhD level intellect. Retrieving information and utilizing it intelligently are two different skills.

  5. I work in AI research. I only use ChatGPT et al for initial research into new subjects. I use it as a quick search engine. It can quickly summarize the issues that I want to target in a new research proposal. I also use it to create a good project acronym. That is about it. I do not want anything "intelligent" in my house. Low tech wins every time.

esta es la mejor temporada de Bridgerton, según ChatGPT


アドインテの広告クリエイティブ生成機能にGPT-4oを活用した広告テキストやハッシュタグの自動生成機能が追加 : - ASCII STARTUP

「アドインテが次世代AI GPT-4oを搭載!広告クリエイティブ自動生成でマーケティング革命」