
Unveiling the Power of GPT: A Visual Guide to Transformers in Deep Learning | Chapter 5


But what is a GPT? Visual intro to transformers | Chapter 5, Deep Learning

Large Language Models(LLM)は、AI技術の最先端の例であり、その仕組みを理解することは非常に興味深いものです。LLMは、Transformerと呼ばれるアーキテクチャを使用して構築されており、膨大な量のデータから学習します。このモデルは、単語やフレーズなどの言語パターンを把握し、それらを用いて文章を生成したり質問に回答したりすることができます。

LLMがどのように動作するかを理解するためには、まずDeep Learningの基本原則や単語埋め込み(word embeddings)といった概念について知識を深める必要があります。また、LLMが持つ可能性や応用範囲も考えることが重要です。例えば、埋め込み空間(embedding space)を活用して様々なタスクに対応させる方法などが挙げられます。

さらに、LLMを効果的に活用するためには、Transformer CircuitsやEmbedding Spacesなどの関連リソースを参照することも有益です。これらの情報源から得られる知識は、LLMの仕組みやその背後にある原理をより深く理解する手助けとなるでしょう。

最近ではMLプログラミングやGPTs(Generative Pre-trained Transformers)関連の演習サイトも増えており、実践的なスキル向上に役立つでしょう。また、言語モデルの歴史や発展過程なども把握しておくと、AI技術全体の進化を俯瞰する視点が得られます。

AI技術の魅力は、自然言語処理や文書生成など幅広い分野への応用可能性にあります。そしてその核心にある大規模言語モデル(Large Language Models)は未来社会へ向けた革新的な展望を切り拓く一助となることでしょう。


But what is a GPT?  Visual intro to transformers | Chapter 5, Deep Learning の画像

Written by 3Blue1Brown


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  1. Hi , I am Deepanshu from India.

    PLEASE answer this question, I am really OBSESSED with it for many YEARS.😭😭🧐🧐🤯🤯

    What is it exactly that you love in math, what is the THING in math that you are passionate about,
    Think about the following options:-

    1) Recognition/Appreciation from students and teachers.
    2) When you try to understand any topic but a NEW UNIQUE idea comes to your mind.
    3) When you find comparatively easier way of explaining a topic than other teachers.
    4) You study continuously for hours without break and after some hours suddenly your brain becomes more aware which you enjoy.

    IF YOU WERE ALONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD (having all resources, food, clothes, memory and brain capacity as of now) WOULD YOU STILL STUDY MATH JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT ??????????
    (You have all the books but not a single person in the world except you, that means you are completely alone)

    Pleeeeese answer this question
    I am literally having very less sleep because of my Obsession with the question of passion.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭

  2. Hi , I am Deepanshu from India.

    PLEASE answer this question, I am really OBSESSED with it for many YEARS.😭😭🧐🧐🤯🤯

    What is it exactly that you love in math, what is the THING in math that you are passionate about,
    Think about the following options:-

    1) Recognition/Appreciation from students and teachers.
    2) When you try to understand any topic but a NEW UNIQUE idea comes to your mind.
    3) When you find comparatively easier way of explaining a topic than other teachers.
    4) You study continuously for hours without break and after some hours suddenly your brain becomes more aware which you enjoy.

    IF YOU WERE ALONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD (having all resources, food, clothes, memory and brain capacity as of now) WOULD YOU STILL STUDY MATH JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT ??????????
    (You have all the books but not a single person in the world except you, that means you are completely alone)

    Pleeeeese answer this question
    I am literally having very less sleep because of my Obsession with the question of passion.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭

  3. Hi , I am Deepanshu from India.

    PLEASE answer this question, I am really OBSESSED with it for many YEARS.😭😭🧐🧐🤯🤯

    What is it exactly that you love in math, what is the THING in math that you are passionate about,
    Think about the following options:-

    1) Recognition/Appreciation from students and teachers.
    2) When you try to understand any topic but a NEW UNIQUE idea comes to your mind.
    3) When you find comparatively easier way of explaining a topic than other teachers.
    4) You study continuously for hours without break and after some hours suddenly your brain becomes more aware which you enjoy.

    IF YOU WERE ALONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD (having all resources, food, clothes, memory and brain capacity as of now) WOULD YOU STILL STUDY MATH JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT ??????????
    (You have all the books but not a single person in the world except you, that means you are completely alone)

    Pleeeeese answer this question
    I am literally having very less sleep because of my Obsession with the question of passion.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭

  4. Hi , I am Deepanshu from India.

    PLEASE answer this question, I am really OBSESSED with it for many YEARS.😭😭🧐🧐🤯🤯

    What is it exactly that you love in math, what is the THING in math that you are passionate about,
    Think about the following options:-

    1) Recognition/Appreciation from students and teachers.
    2) When you try to understand any topic but a NEW UNIQUE idea comes to your mind.
    3) When you find comparatively easier way of explaining a topic than other teachers.
    4) You study continuously for hours without break and after some hours suddenly your brain becomes more aware which you enjoy.

    IF YOU WERE ALONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD (having all resources, food, clothes, memory and brain capacity as of now) WOULD YOU STILL STUDY MATH JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT ??????????
    (You have all the books but not a single person in the world except you, that means you are completely alone)

    Pleeeeese answer this question
    I am literally having very less sleep because of my Obsession with the question of passion.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭

  5. Hi , I am Deepanshu from India.

    PLEASE answer this question, I am really OBSESSED with it for many YEARS.😭😭🧐🧐🤯🤯

    What is it exactly that you love in math, what is the THING in math that you are passionate about,
    Think about the following options:-

    1) Recognition/Appreciation from students and teachers.
    2) When you try to understand any topic but a NEW UNIQUE idea comes to your mind.
    3) When you find comparatively easier way of explaining a topic than other teachers.
    4) You study continuously for hours without break and after some hours suddenly your brain becomes more aware which you enjoy.

    IF YOU WERE ALONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD (having all resources, food, clothes, memory and brain capacity as of now) WOULD YOU STILL STUDY MATH JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT ??????????
    (You have all the books but not a single person in the world except you, that means you are completely alone)

    Pleeeeese answer this question
    I am literally having very less sleep because of my Obsession with the question of passion.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭

  6. Hi , I am Deepanshu from India.

    PLEASE answer this question, I am really OBSESSED with it for many YEARS.😭😭🧐🧐🤯🤯

    What is it exactly that you love in math, what is the THING in math that you are passionate about,
    Think about the following options:-

    1) Recognition/Appreciation from students and teachers.
    2) When you try to understand any topic but a NEW UNIQUE idea comes to your mind.
    3) When you find comparatively easier way of explaining a topic than other teachers.
    4) You study continuously for hours without break and after some hours suddenly your brain becomes more aware which you enjoy.

    IF YOU WERE ALONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD (having all resources, food, clothes, memory and brain capacity as of now) WOULD YOU STILL STUDY MATH JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT ??????????
    (You have all the books but not a single person in the world except you, that means you are completely alone)

    Pleeeeese answer this question
    I am literally having very less sleep because of my Obsession with the question of passion.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭

  7. Hello! First of all thank you for your effort and passion! I really appreciate all your videos!! Regarding the model to generate the embeding, you are using gigaword-50 which creates a 50 dimensional vector, how did you plot it in a 3D, did you just take the first 3 elements of the vector or did you use some sort of dimensionality reduction (PCA, t-SNE )?
    Thank you very much !

  8. This my friend, is visualisation heaven! I personally…. like I imagine many people…. struggle to conceptualise the inner workings of machine learning processes. But this right here demystifies so so much in so little time!

    A true benchmark in teaching!

  9. My guy, 3Blue1Brown, your content is an invaluable piece of knowledge to mankind, especially for ML practitioners like myself. I cannot express my gratitude enough. Don't grow old please. If you find that impossible, please come up with a way to embed yourself in a neural network for the next generations of humanity. I trust you to figure it out! <3

  10. 🤔 So it's like multi-dimensional neurons that reflect patterns.
    Should be the same way the human brain works, with different concepts representing different dimensions.
    This makes me think these GPTs are like specialized human brain parts, and that combining different GPTs trained in the same areas a human brain was "trained" for should somewhat resemble a human mind.
    Because a human brain is "interdisciplinary" in how it constructs "pictures" of the surrounding reality.

MIXIの会話AIロボット「Romi」のアシスタントモードにGPT-4o実装 - マイナビニュース

「MIXIの会話AIロボット『Romi』にGPT-4oが搭載!未来のアシスタント体験がいよいよ現実に – マイナビニュース」

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