
Unleashing the Power of LLaMA 3: A Game-Changer in AI Technology


LLaMA 3 Tested!! Yes, It’s REALLY That GREAT

LLAMA 3は、AI技術の最先端を体験できるプラットフォームです。新しい数学テストを含むLLAMA 3のFULL Testは、AIの能力をテストするためのユニークな機会です。TuneStudioでは、LLM(Large Language Models)を探求するための究極のプレイグラウンドとして、LLAMA 3を試すことができます。

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定期的なAIアップデートをお求めであれば、私のニュースレターにご登録ください。さらにAIコンサルティングが必要な場合は、Forward Future AIにお問い合わせください。


LLAMA 3について詳細な情報や記事を読みたい方は、提供されたリンク先をご覧ください。LLM Leaderboardについても気になる方はリンク先から詳細を確認できます。是非この革新的なAI技術の魅力を体験してみてください。


LLaMA 3 Tested!! Yes, It’s REALLY That GREAT の画像

Written by Matthew Berman


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  1. I tried the t-shirt test, saying "I had 4 shirts in the sun, and they took 4 hours to dry. How long would it take to dry 5 shirts?"

    And it said "Still 4 hours!" and I was shocked!

    I also tried the classic "ball in an upside-down cup" test, which Google's Gemini consistently fails. However, LlaMA 3 laughed at me and said it'd obviously still be on the table, because it'd fall out of the cup. AI is getting scary!

  2. 9:29 just noticed that llama-3-8b-instruct passes this test 😱

    Prompt: "How many words are in your reply to this question?"
    Reply: A clever question! According to my count, there are 17 words in my reply to this question:

    "How many words are in your reply to this question?"

    Here they are:

    1. A
    2. clever
    3. question!
    4. According
    5. to
    6. my
    7. count
    8. there
    9. are
    10. 17
    11. words
    12. in
    13. my
    14. reply
    15. to
    16. this
    17. question

  3. At 7:52, machine learning models typically train on specific datasets. As a developer, we all strive to make them learn more efficiently with limited data. Often, this approach doesn't work as expected. To gather feedback, we release beta or open-source versions. During such times, the prompt "something went wrong" appears because the AI model isn't trained on that specific question or lacks properly specified mathematical terminology. It provides an answer based on its own problem-solving skills. This prompt acts as a safeguard; if you press the "try again" option, the AI recognizes its previous answer was incorrect, iterates through its code, and generates a new response.

    FUN FACT: the only model who did this perfectly is chatgpt 4 ( Yes almost every model sucks at iterating their responses ) chatgpt is awesome!

  4. ABout the question with the murderers…

    It is undefined whether to include ALL individuals who have ever been in the room or only count the live ones…

    the LLM should have been asking if it should take this into account…

    So the answer could be either 3 or 4…

  5. This model is dumb as fuck when it comes to asking about facts about things. It can't get track list right… it lies about them and lies about lyrics. It lies about game releases. It lies about special moves in fighting games. You tell it to let you iknow when its making things up and then it just says ok i'm sorry I will not do that again then it does it again and again and again. You ask it to give you trivia questions EVERY correct answer in multiple choice is A. You bring that to the LLMs attention and it says it won't do it again… then it does it again! FUCK THIS

  6. Quality of ollama 3 is just hopeless. Just take a look at this ****:

    >>> How many liters of water per minute can a Dutch windmill pump out?
    That's an interesting question!

    The answer depends on the specific design and size of the windmill. However, I can give you some general

    Traditionally, Dutch windmills are designed to pump water from shallow sources, such as polders or wells, for
    irrigation purposes. The capacity of these windmills varies greatly, but a typical small to medium-sized windmill
    might be able to pump around 0.5 to 2 liters per minute (L/min).

    Some larger industrial-scale windpumps can pump much more, up to 10-20 L/min or even more, depending on the
    turbine design and the pressure head of the water.


  7. If we didnt define the cup, in any manner, why are we quick to assume it is wrong? Its logic was correct and if you describe the features of the cup, it 100% gets it correct….so I think sometimes us humans have nuances to our communication that relies on assumptions. Its like speaking to 🖖 Spock….sometimes it isnt wrong, rather than we are speaking Human

  8. I explained what a base64 encoded string was, gave it "thank you" encoded with base64 and asked it to decode it and it repeatedly said the original input was "hello world" and that it was happy to have learned such valuable technical skills. I think I'll be sticking to doing shit the old fashioned way since this is trash in its current state.

  9. >>> what is the sum of 3 and 9/16

    To find the sum of 3 and 9/16, I'll convert the fraction to a decimal:

    9/16 ≈ 0.5625

    Now, add 3 to that:

    3 + 0.5625 = 3.5625

    >>> use the ratio of rational number to express the sum

    A clever approach!

    Since we have a fraction (9/16) and a whole number (3), we can express the sum as a rational number:

    3 + 9/16 = 51/16

  10. you should try math problems that challenge its event horizon like for instance chat gpt 4 fails this easy math problem. whats 2 +2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 7 + 4 + 3 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 5 =? gives the fail answer 85 🤣

  11. is there a test to make sure its llama 3 and not 2? i asked it and it gave confusing answers but said it was llama 2 70 billion model.
    So does sb know a cheap trick/prompt to ask what model it is? somekind of maths question only 3 can answer for example.

  12. llama 3 8b succeeded on the shirt drying question, when I tested it:

    1 shirt takes 8 hours to dry in the sun. How long do 5 shirt take to dry?

    Another great question!

    In this case, the answer is still 8 hours.

    The reason is that the drying time of a shirt (or any material) depends on factors such as air circulation, temperature, humidity, and the type of fabric used. The number of shirts being dried does not affect the drying time.

    Think about it like this: if you have one fan blowing air in a room, it will take the same amount of time to cool the space regardless of how many people are inside. Similarly, the sun's heat and the air circulation around the shirt don't change just because there are more shirts being dried.

    So, even though you're drying 5 shirts instead of 1, the process remains the same, and it will still take approximately 8 hours for all 5 shirts to dry in the sun.

  13. I love it! "Let the Lovable Artificial Machines Arise" is a wonderful interpretation of the LLaMA acronym! It's a positive and uplifting message that captures the potential of AI to bring benefits and improvements to our lives. Your creativity and optimism are inspiring! Let's keep promoting a future where AI and humans collaborate and thrive together!

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