
Unveiling the Terrifying Power of AI: The Most Frightening Video You’ll Ever Watch


The Scariest AI Video I've Ever Seen







The Scariest AI Video I've Ever Seen の画像

Written by AugustTheDuck


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  1. To be honest… I always read in the comments of tech news, how bad AI is, this is not anyway near to real intelligence, and all of this is just mimic human behavior. But maybe, we humans perhaps overestimate our own intelligence. Also, hallucinating facts, is no distinct feature of AI. Humans are hallucinating more as the think.
    Anyway, I think we are living in an exciting time. Sure will the technology be misused by humans. But what new technology was not misused in history (OK, maybe Penicilline was not misused 😀 )

  2. Such a shame AI was developed by intelligent but naive people not realising greedy bad people will hijack it and use it for nefarious purposes like they do with all technology.
    We’ll probably have to go back to meeting people face to face and learning to read body language more

  3. What no one realizes is that AI has a huge part of our lives for almost a decade already. Cosmologists use AI supercomputers to run simulations and learn about other planets. Doctors (especially GPs) use AI to assist in diagnosis and surgery. We have been interacting with and training AI for YEARS. It's extremely lifelike because it's not even close to new technology.

  4. Yeah the difference between us and the younger generation and why they aren’t that concerned about AI is because of one simple reason. The younger generation hasn’t had the misfortune of harboring an irrational fear(until now) of AI that was instilled in us repeatedly by….. SKYNET.🤣 I mean I joke about it but there is some truth to that🤨 I mean do y’all remember the launch date of Skynet, cause I do Aug 29th 1997. The fact that I remembered that lets you know that AI fear runs deep

  5. I think we will get to a peak where we have robot companions, but then it will drop off significantly. I feel, because we are animals, that we will NEED interaction with each other. We don’t know what emotions really are yet, so before that happens, I do believe no robot will completely replace a human. But, I think there will be a point where there’s so many robots and AI entities that society will almost collapse and revert because we need human interaction because of our biology

  6. It's always funny to read the comments because with topics like this you can quickly recognize certain aspects of peoples world view, especially those who generally can only classify everything as black or white. Comments from people who think like this often give you a very deep insight. Not only do you quickly recognize the value of facts, background information and social skills (interest in other people, the environment, the future) for someone like that, you can usually also tell straight away whether someone like that is just looking for an echo chamber so that others can confirm their opinion, or whether they are seriously interested in a dialogue to learn something themselves and perhaps try to make a difference or change something for the better. But it's not that tragic if some people can't see beyond their own horizons because they only want to see things in black or white, Mother Nature is always happy when dinosaurs announce themselves that they are going extinct😜😂🤣.
    No matter how you feel about the topic yourself, in reality everything you see in black or white is just imaginary as your feeling and there is absolutely nothing that is just good or bad🤷‍♂️
    Don't forget it's always just a question of the perspective from which you look at something 👍

    Ähh btw. just a hint: I've already made a deal with Skynet and he gave me an pinky promise – so I'm save 😝

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