AI Text Summarization with Hugging Face Transformers in 4 Lines of Python
幸いなことに、Hugging Face Transformersを使用すれば、事前にトレーニングされた要約パイプラインを活用してコンテンツを簡単に要約することができます。Pythonコードわずか4行でブログ投稿を要約し始めることさえ可能です。さらに、Hugging Face Transformersライブラリでは他にもたくさんの機能が提供されており、その楽しさはそこから始まるのです!
この記事では、Hugging Face Transformersのインストール方法や要約パイプラインの構築方法、エンコード・デコードモデルを使用した要約の実行方法などが詳しく説明されています。さらに、ビデオ内ではそれらの手順を実際に見ることができるため、理解しやすく実践的な内容となっています。
Hugging Face Transformersを使って情報を効率的にまとめる方法を学びたい方やAI技術へ興味を持っている方には是非おすすめしたい記事です。情報収集や学習プロセスを効率化したい方々にとって役立つ知識が満載です。是非挑戦してみてください!
getting this error{OSError: [WinError 126] The specified module could not be found. Error loading "C:Userskumaranaconda3Libsite-packagestorchlibfbgemm.dll" or one of its dependencies.} try all the solution available on internet .. any solution plz
Thanks man, it was a great video and a great learning process
I've faced more issues with python on the compatibility of the libs, and that I think is what makes these nice projects more difficult to leave with.
Thanks man, wish you luck and success.
which SLM you would recommend for handling summaries in both English and French .thank you
Hello bro , I am a student and I usually just highlight the text I need to study from my pdf folders , is there anyway that there are any AI that takes what highlighted and just copy paste it to another folder ? I have been searching but couldn't find anything like that , only general summery
hey nicholas, i have been following your videos for learning. i am currently developing a autograder tool using bert QA model and i really need your guidance. pls do reply since this is my final year project and i am totally stuck
Excellent tools.
Thanks for this.
and thanks to Hugging Face.🤗
tried on chinese…not quite satisfying…😭but still thanks for the help!
Wowwww Nicholas !!!!! Thanks for giving me My First Transformer NLP shot!
Is it Abstractive Summarizer?
Would you be able to do a video on how you can use this to summarise much larger texts? Or would there be a different NLP which is more suited to extremely large-scale text summary and synthesising?
The code from GitHub did not work, getting errors when I run the code for text summarization
thank you Nicholas ! <3
Thanks for the great post Nick. Is it free to use the Hugging Face pipeline?
For future videos, it will be great if you can:
1. Do longer texts
2. Summarize a webpage
3. Summarize a PDF
Very clear and effective. Thanks!
is this still applicabled even today Feb 2023?
Your videos are so great. After I saw hugging face on one of your videos I dove in head first. I have watched all their tutorials. I want to train my own model from a very large book. I am confused on how to do this. They give examples how to train a model using their data sets. I want to create my own data set from text then train the model and test it. If you could make a video on how this is done would be amazing!!!
I'm trying to implement and compare BART, T5, PEGASUS AND ASGARD.Can I import the modules directly into my collab notebook?
Doesn't work for longer texts.
Hey Nick, is there a way I can have a t5 model to output certain number of sentences in my summary?
how to do the same with long texts getting error : Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length for this model
what about extractive summarization
It seems like this model is just doing extraction (pulling out exact sentences that exist in the article). I'd like to compare it with much simpler tf-idf (term frequency inverse document frequency) models to see if it performs any better. I assumed a model using large pretrained transformers would do some form of abstraction and paraphrasing of the output. Maybe I'm expecting too much, but what this model is doing seems very very simple.
I’d like to see the video you mention, about summarizing a larger article.
Could you do a video on creating a chat bot. using the hugging face transformers?
Please make a youtube title generator (from a keyword or list of keywords).
How can we summarize something longer maybe a classroom lecture video ?
Great explanation. Some times small can make understand a lot.
I would love to see some content on how to train the transformer summarization pipeline
Another great video, thanks! I just started watching a Hugging Face course on their Youtube channel. Best regards.
Hi Nicolas as you mentioned how can we summarise text from a longer blog post or longer article ,can you please help with that
thank you very much
Can I apply the same technique to summarize a resume? (I'd first extract the text off the resume)
Very useful tutorial thanks
Tutorial is awesome,easy to understand..Can u give handson session for domain specific summarisation
how to do that trained huggingface model on my own dataset? how i can start ? i don't know the structure of the dataset? help.. very help
how I store voice and how to lik with its text how to orgnize that
I an looking for any one help me in this planet
Should I look for the answer in Mars?