in ,


claude ai






有料プランのClaude Proを利用すればさらに高度な機能を活用することができます。ブログ記事作成やリサーチ支援など幅広い用途に活用可能です。




【超速報】GPT-4、Geminiを超えた最新AI「Claude3」が爆誕! の画像

Written by ウェブ職TV


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  1. ●目次
    0:00 ChatGPTもGeminiも超えた新AI「Claude3」を徹底解説
    0:59 Claudeの基礎知識
    2:49 最新AI「Claude3」の特徴
    2:56 1.GPT-4を上回る性能
    3:40 2.モデルが3つある
    4:48 APIの料金を比較
    5:55 3.無料で使える
    6:08 4.100万トークンまで入力できる
    7:13 5.マルチモーダル化
    7:29 アップロードできるファイル
    7:59 アップロードできるファイルの制限
    8:23 6.回答する範囲が広がった
    8:59 Claude Pro(有料プラン)
    9:34 Claude3を実演
    10:59 実演:基本的な会話
    11:52 実演:最新ニュース(ブラウジングはできない)
    12:20 実演:長文の要約(どのくらい入力できる?)
    14:26 実演:リサーチ
    17:06 実演:ドラゴンボールについての情報をまとめる
    18:25 実演:ブログで稼ぐ方法
    18:57 実演:ブログ記事を書いてもらう
    19:53 実演:ZIPファイルは処理できるか
    21:35 今日のまとめ
    22:32 エンディング

  2. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:13 Claude3 (CL3), announced by Aslopick on March 4, 2024, surpasses GPT-4's performance.
    02:57 Claude3 (CL3) offers three models: CL3 Opus, CL3 Sonnet, and CL3 Haiku, each with varying performance and pricing.
    05:40 Claude3 (CL3) has a pricing structure for API usage, with CL3 Opus being relatively expensive compared to GPT-4 Turbo.
    06:09 CL3 allows input of up to 1 million tokens, expanding its capability beyond previous models.
    07:21 Claude3 (CL3) introduces multimodal capabilities, enabling processing of images, audio, and video alongside text inputs.
    08:32 CL3 broadens its range of acceptable inputs, reducing the instances of rejecting queries due to safety concerns.
    08:46 AI like Claude3 can now better discern nuances, leading to more accurate judgments of safety or danger in situations, a significant improvement over previous models.
    09:01 ClaudePro, a $20 premium plan, offers five times the usage capacity of the free version, along with access to Opus and priority access to new features.
    09:27 Claude3 provides access to three models, with the top-tier model offering Opus support, priority access to new features, and increased usage capabilities similar to ChatGPT.
    09:55 Claude3's enhanced capabilities include image recognition and interpretation, as demonstrated through a visual description feature.
    10:37 Users can switch between different models within Claude3, with Opus being the highest tier available.
    11:06 As of March 6, 2024, Fumio Kishida is the current Prime Minister of Japan, based on information up to August 2023.
    11:32 Fumio Kishida's birthdate is July 29, 1957, making him 66 years old as of the discussion.
    12:29 The speaker demonstrates the ability of Claude3 to handle long text inputs, indicating its potential for extensive use in generating large amounts of text.
    13:37 Claude3's capacity for processing text extends to around 56,000 characters, significantly more than previous models, making it suitable for handling lengthy inputs.
    14:48 Claude3 exhibits a relatively fast response time and accuracy in generating text, comparable to ChatGPT and surpassing GPT-4 in terms of responsiveness.
    15:16 Differences between Claude and ChatGPT include Claude's avoidance of stereotypes and harmful expressions, although ChatGPT tends to prioritize responses favorable to its developer.
    16:46 A comparison of GPT series specifications indicates Claude3's capabilities, with around 100 billion parameters, showing advancements from GPT-3.5 to GPT-4.
    17:38 Claude3 provides accurate and relevant information about Dragon Ball characters, demonstrating its ability to understand and respond appropriately to queries about specific topics.
    18:17 The speaker expresses surprise and appreciation for Claude3's ability to provide accurate and engaging responses, showcasing its potential for various applications beyond straightforward inquiries.
    18:30 Choosing a blog theme based on personal interest and knowledge, selecting a platform like WordPress, conducting keyword research, and regularly posting high-quality articles are essential for successful blogging.
    19:13 Effective blog operation involves preparation, design, content creation, promotion, and continuity.
    20:36 Uploading ZIP files might not work, but individual text files can be uploaded successfully.
    21:55 The presenter invites viewers to subscribe to the channel for future AI explanations and to join a community for sharing and learning about AI. They also offer a blog outsourcing service for those lacking time or skills.

    Made with HARPA AI

  3. 夜中にClaude2.1使ってたら、動的にClaude3に変更になった。



gemini 1.5 pro

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