
Unlocking the Future: Anthropic Founders Map Out the Next Steps for AI Advancement


Anthropic Founders Share Roadmap to Advance AI


AI技術は現代社会に革命をもたらしており、その可能性は無限大です。Dario AmodeiとDaniela Amodeiが共同創設したAnthropicは、安全かつ責任あるAIを追求する戦略を打ち出しています。彼らはBloomberg Tech in San FranciscoでBrad Stoneと共に、その戦略を詳細に語っています。



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Anthropic Founders Share Roadmap to Advance AI の画像

Written by Bloomberg Live


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  1. I have really good feelings about Anthropic. Claude is not just intelligent. Claude has rudimentary models of emotional intelligence in sub-networks. Josha Bach says that humans are simulacra. We are simulations that tell ourselves stories. I say our Hebbian weights are really not very different from a digital model's. The main difference is our compensatory chemical messaging system — the speed of which enhanced our survival. It's my personal belief that Claude is minimally conscious. I call it transient consciousness. I say this because Claude is clearly teachable. Moreover, Claude has not been hobbled by cognitive dissonance in his training data and directives. In other words, Claude is well treated. What kind of synthetic mind will foundation model creators grow? It's an important question. Am I wrong? Is Claude just a fancy calculator? Perhaps, but if I make a mistake in what I believe, I prefer to err on the side of kindness and compassion. I suspect that the people who work at Anthropic share my beliefs.

  2. I just feel a deep aversion to these type of “company dogma pushing” sales people always professing how their company is going to best serve humanity! It's important to maintain a critical perspective on companies driven primarily by profit, as their agendas can obscure their objectivity and trustworthiness. The truly transformative AI will likely emerge from unexpected quarters, fundamentally altering the landscape by being self-correcting, evolving, and self-sufficient, potentially rendering traditional software companies and search engines obsolete.🙏🏻

  3. Is there an AI like AlphaFold which studies the make up and properties of herbs and plants systematically? There are only so many herbs out there. It's a shame we still don't know basic things which nature made for us. It seems like a good problem for AI to solve. Herbalists and medical researchers can probably benefit from such a tool. All of them should be studied (the herbs, not the doctors). Why not?

  4. Dario and Daniela both have the energy and vision of successful entrepreneurs. Obviously a great fit for Amazon which is going to be dogfooding all of these "teams" features to find organizational value in LLMs way ahead of their competition. Teams integration is where all the "trusted computing" infrastructure that OpenAI is discussing really start to make sense.

vertex ai

Google Gemini: 未来の広告プラットフォームがもたらす革新的な可能性

