
Unveiling Google’s Cutting-Edge AI Technology: Explore the Power of Gemini

gemini google

Google's newest and most capable AI | Gemini

Gemini marks a significant milestone in the world of AI technology, bringing us closer to a future where artificial intelligence is more accessible and user-friendly for everyone. Developed by Google’s DeepMind team, Gemini is designed to handle and process various types of information such as text, images, audio, video, and code with exceptional performance.

One of the key highlights of Gemini is its versatility in understanding and combining different forms of data seamlessly. This state-of-the-art AI model opens up a world of possibilities for users looking to harness the power of artificial intelligence in their daily lives. Whether you’re a researcher, developer, or simply curious about the capabilities of AI technology, Gemini offers a user-friendly experience that makes it easy to explore and utilize its advanced features.

Moreover, Gemini is built with safety and responsibility at its core, ensuring that users can trust the results and outputs generated by this powerful AI model. With a focus on ethical AI practices, DeepMind has taken great care to develop Gemini in a way that prioritizes transparency, fairness, and accountability.

For those interested in learning more about Gemini, there are various resources available to dive deeper into this groundbreaking AI model. From informative videos showcasing Gemini’s capabilities to blog posts detailing its development process, there are plenty of opportunities to explore and engage with this cutting-edge technology.

To stay updated on the latest news and developments from Google’s DeepMind team, be sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel, follow them on Twitter for real-time updates, connect with them on Instagram for behind-the-scenes glimpses, and join their community on Facebook for interactive discussions.

Gemini represents an exciting leap forward in the field of artificial intelligence, offering users an innovative tool that combines advanced capabilities with usability and responsibility. As we continue on our journey towards making AI more accessible for everyone, Gemini stands out as a shining example of the incredible potential that AI technology holds for shaping our future.


Google's newest and most capable AI | Gemini の画像

Written by Google


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  1. This will be an unpopular comment. The more we allow an outside "intelligence" to take over the human creative process, ultimately our human creative process becomes weaker. Quote from Psychology today 2023 – 'Our brains are staggeringly intricate and have been described as the most complex structures in the known universe. Despite tremendous advances in neuroscience, many aspects of the brain remain mysterious. Arguably the biggest mystery and the hardest problem to solve is understanding how neural activity gives rise to conscious experiences.' So here we are with a instrument sitting within us capable of extraordinary things . Another quote from Psychology today, the same article. 
    'On top of this, there are another 85 billion cells that serve various functions in the brain. Even more incredible is that each one of these neurons on average connects to thousands of other neurons, resulting in an estimated 100 trillion connections (Caruso, 2023; Zimmer, 2011).

    These connections allow signals to travel between neurons and can function as logic gates, giving it a computing power of one exaflop—that is one quintillion mathematical operations per second (Madhavan, 2023)—that is a billion times a billion or 1 followed by 18 zeros.

    And it does all of this in an incredibly efficient way, using only 20 watts of power. In comparison, one of the most advanced supercomputers in the world requires a million times more power (20 megawatts) to reach anything near a similar computing capacity (Madhavan, 2023).
    I am not debunking AI. What I am saying we have to very careful, mindful and certain that AI doe's not make us lazy enough to hand over the amazing capabilities this instrument within us to an artificial intelligence. Technology is an amazing slave if used right but a terrible master if not. …. be excited but be very careful.

  2. Try asking a question about the Israel-Palestine conflict and it shuts down until you start a new topic. Even neutral questions on the subject are not allowed. A wasted opportunity to stop the spread of misinformation. Why would Google prevent Gemini from talking about this?

  3. The more you do your work over their networks, the closer you are to being laid off. Once they feel like they are close, they start shadowing you with AI if your job is going to automation, or an Indian if is going to be out sourced.

    If you own a company, Google approaches you with their products, one of them being the upper tier products. That is to automate your company's workflows with AI (which includes their "biological neural networks" aka Turk machines abroad, ScaleAi, India, etc as well as any thing they can pass off as technological AI).

  4. And 4 months later, Google's AI is batshit stupid.

    Me: "How many times hotter is a jalapeno than an Aleppo pepper

    Actually, an Aleppo pepper is not hotter than a jalapeno, it's about half as hot. Here's the breakdown:

    Jalapeno: 2,500 – 8,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU) on the Scoville scale which measures pepper heat.
    Aleppo Pepper: 10,000 – 30,000 SHU

    So, while there is variation in heat within each pepper type, Aleppo peppers generally range from twice as hot to slightly less hot than jalapenos.
    profile picture

    You said an Aleppo pepper is half as hot as a jalapeno, but the numbers you showed, showed the Aleppo being hotter than the jalapeno.
    Show drafts

    I apologize, you're absolutely right. I made a mistake in my previous response about the heat levels of jalapeno and Aleppo peppers.

    Aleppo pepper: 10,000 – 30,000 SHU (Scoville Heat Units)
    Jalapeno pepper: 2,500 – 8,000 SHU

    Based on these numbers, Aleppo peppers can be two to four times hotter than jalapenos.

    I am still under development and learning to be informative. Thank you for pointing out my mistake, it helps me improve."

    Jalapenos for a fact are hotter than Aleppo peppers.

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