
Unlock the Power of AI with Hugging Face + Langchain: Access 200k+ FREE AI Models in Just 5 Minutes!

hugging face

Hugging Face + Langchain in 5 mins | Access 200k+ FREE AI models for your AI apps

AI技術の魅力を伝える記事を書くライターとして、Hugging FaceとLangchainの組み合わせについてご紹介します。Hugging Faceは200,000以上のAIモデルにアクセスできるプラットフォームであり、Langchainは無料で利用できる開発環境です。

Hugging Faceは、画像から音声ストーリーを作成するデモを通じてその可能性を示しています。具体的なチュートリアルでは、以下のステップが紹介されています:
1. 画像からテキストモデル
2. LLM(言語モデル)
3. テキストから音声モデル
4. Streamlitを使用したUIの構築

さらに、Hugging Faceにはさまざまなチュートリアルが提供されており、コード不要の代替手段もあるため、初心者でも取り組みやすいです。

私はJason Zhouと申します。製品デザイナーとして興味深いAI実験や製品を共有しています。AIアプリを構築する際に必要なサポートがあれば、ask@ai-jason.comまでお気軽にご連絡ください。

Hugging FaceとLangchainの組み合わせは、AI技術の魅力を最大限に活かし、革新的なアプリケーション開発を可能にします。是非この素晴らしい機会を活用してください!#huggingface #langchain #autogpt #ai #nocode #tutorial #stepbystep #langflow #flowise #gpt #falcon


Hugging Face + Langchain in 5 mins | Access 200k+ FREE AI models for your AI apps の画像

Written by AI Jason


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  1. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:00 🤖 Hugging Face Overview
    – Hugging Face is a platform for discovering and sharing AI models.
    – Three main parts: models, datasets, and spaces.
    – Models: Various AI models for tasks like image to text, text to speech, etc., hosted for immediate testing.
    01:52 📊 Datasets on Hugging Face
    – Hugging Face provides datasets for training your own models.
    – Allows filtering and previewing datasets, useful for training custom models.
    02:20 🚀 Hugging Face Spaces
    – Spaces allow users to deploy and share their AI apps.
    – Users can explore and interact with apps built by others, offering learning opportunities.
    03:15 🔍 Building an AI App: Step by Step
    – Components: Image to text model, language model for story generation, text to speech model.
    – Process: Select relevant models from Hugging Face, implement in code.
    04:23 🖼️ Image to Text Model Implementation
    – Utilize Hugging Face's Transformers library to access predefined tasks.
    – Code implementation example for converting an image to text using Hugging Face models.
    05:32 📝 Language Model for Story Generation
    – Using a language model (GPT) for generating a story based on the text description.
    – Integration of GPT model from Hugging Face into the app.
    06:42 🔊 Text to Speech Model Integration
    – Using Hugging Face's text to speech model for generating audio from the generated story text.
    – Implementation of the text to speech model and handling audio output.
    07:53 🎛️ App UI Development
    – Building the user interface using Streamlit library.
    – Integrating image upload, model processing, story generation, and audio output into the UI.
    08:44 💡 Recap and Recommendation
    – Recap of using Hugging Face models for various AI tasks.
    – Recommendation to explore Hugging Face's tasks and models for further learning.
    – Mention of another platform, Relevance AI, for quick AI app development.

    Made with HARPA AI

  2. Very good example, thanks for sharing.

    FYI: I did run into a error 403 with Streamlit, possibly Windows related. I was able to resolve by creating a ./.streamlit/ folder with config.toml file, with the following details:


    enableCORS = false

  3. before publishing videos, you could check whether langchain has deprecated or migrated the modules, classes… tried your exact code, and I get the following error: openai.NotFoundError: Error code: 404 – {'error': {'message': 'This is a chat model and not supported in the v1/completions endpoint. Did you mean to use v1/chat/completions?', 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': 'model', 'code': None}}

  4. Great vids! I’m learning a lot!

    What combo would you recommend using to parse and clean structured and unstructured data? For example there are 1000 real estate listings in a csv, and many do not contain a piece of data explicitly, but they may contain it in the long unstructured description…

Peugeot вгражда ChatGPT като стандарт във всички модели |


Sam Altman, CEO da OpenAI
