
Unleashing the Power of AI: Running a Cutting-Edge Hugging Face LLM on Your Laptop

hugging face

Running a Hugging Face LLM on your laptop

Hugging FaceのLarge Language Model(LLM)を自分のマシンで実行する方法について学ぶためのビデオです。この記事では、Hugging FaceのLLMモデルを自分のラップトップで実行する方法について詳しく説明します。



以上が、Hugging FaceのLLMを自分のマシンで実行する方法について魅力的な記事です。AI技術の魅力や応用範囲についても触れるとより読者が興味を持ってくれるかもしれません。


Running a Hugging Face LLM on your laptop の画像


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  1. Hi Mark,
    Thank you for sharing,

    Do you know how to force your example to download files in other path than ".cache/huggingface/hub" ???

    os.environ['TRANSFORMERS_CACHE'] = "/media/Tomasz/4T/TRANSFORMERS_CACHE"


    both above are ending with models–lmsys–fastchat-t5-3b-v1.0 created in default .cache/huggingface/hub

    the last one recipy i found

    downloaded_model_path = hf_hub_download(
    local_dir = "/media/Tomasz/4T/TRANSFORMERS_CACHE/"

    also doesnt work.
    even have no idea what happend because I cant find enywhere models–lmsys–fastchat-t5-3b-v1.0

    Thank you,

  2. Thanks Mark for this video. A quick question- Is this safe to pass some PII data to one of the open source hugging face models that require the hugging face API token ? If No, how can this be resolved in deployment so that there is no risk of data leakage ? Please guide through this.

  3. thanks sir , however I want to know
    1- how one can integrate specific set of models (pre-trained) ones in to Rstudio ? so that one can simply run examples on data "proprietary in my case " locally within R
    2- is there a way to ask the inference API for tasks different from the typical sentiment classification of text for example "multi-entity tagging" , "modalities" ….etc

    your input is highly appreciated

  4. I am getting an error/ info log from transformers (twice) stating "Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained." The model then generates only a bunch of whitespace, no matter the input. I have followed through your steps and made sure the files were downloaded at the expected location. The behavior occurrs both with and without setting legacy=False.

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