
Unlocking Creativity: How to Build Your Own Generative AI with HuggingFace and Langchain

hugging face

#1-Getting Started Building Generative AI Using HuggingFace Open Source Models And Langchain

AI技術の魅力を伝える記事を書いてみましょう。今回は、LangChainとHugging Faceが共同で維持するLangChain_huggingfaceについて焦点を当てます。

LangChain_huggingfaceは、最新のHugging Faceの開発力をLangChainに取り込み、常に最新の状態を保つことを目的とした新しいPythonパッケージです。このパートナーシップは、技術の共有だけでなく、この統合を維持し、継続的に改善する共同の取り組みでもあります。

langchain-huggingfaceはLangChainとシームレスに統合されており、LangChainエコシステム内でHugging Faceモデルを効率的かつ効果的に活用する方法を提供しています。このパートナーシップは単なる技術の共有ではなく、この統合を維持し、継続的に改善していくための共同の約束でもあります。


さらに、「github Code」や「Support me by joining membership」など宣伝的な部分は省略し、「langchain-huggingface」自体の魅力や利点にフォーカスした文章構成が望ましいでしょう。AI技術への理解を深めるためにもわかりやすく具体的な説明を心掛けましょう。


#1-Getting Started Building Generative AI Using HuggingFace Open Source Models And Langchain の画像

Written by Krish Naik


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  1. Ran the following code (and equivalent) and keeps giving me the answer as "Borish Becker" instead of Stefan Edberg !
    from langchain import PromptTemplate, LLMChain

    # question = "what is the hypotenuse length of pythagorus traingle with sides 3 and 4"

    question = "who won Webledon mens final 1990"

    template = """ Question: {question}

    Answer: Let us think step by step."""

    prompt = PromptTemplate(template=template,input_variables=["question"])


    Llm_chain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt = prompt )


  2. repo_id="mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2"


    WARNING:langchain_huggingface.llms.huggingface_endpoint:WARNING! max_length is not default parameter.

    max_length was transferred to model_kwargs.

    Please make sure that max_length is what you intended.

    WARNING:langchain_huggingface.llms.huggingface_endpoint:WARNING! token is not default parameter.

    token was transferred to model_kwargs.

    Please make sure that token is what you intended.

    why am i getting this error
    please help

  3. "The function `initialize_agent` was deprecated in LangChain 0.1.0 and will be removed in 0.3.0. Use Use new agent constructor methods like create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent, etc. instead.


    this error i am getting while using agent with open source model through hugging face pipeline ,i even tried with these "create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent" i am error. can you help me ?

  4. "The function `initialize_agent` was deprecated in LangChain 0.1.0 and will be removed in 0.3.0. Use Use new agent constructor methods like create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent, etc. instead.


    this error i am getting while using agent with open source model through hugging face pipeline ,i even tried with these "create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent" i am error. can you help me ?

  5. "The function `initialize_agent` was deprecated in LangChain 0.1.0 and will be removed in 0.3.0. Use Use new agent constructor methods like create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent, etc. instead.


    this error i am getting while using agent with open source model through hugging face pipeline ,i even tried with these "create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent" i am error. can you help me ?

  6. "The function `initialize_agent` was deprecated in LangChain 0.1.0 and will be removed in 0.3.0. Use Use new agent constructor methods like create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent, etc. instead.


    this error i am getting while using agent with open source model through hugging face pipeline ,i even tried with these "create_react_agent, create_json_agent, create_structured_chat_agent" i am error. can you help me ?

  7. Hey Hi @krishnaik06, my first time seeing you and detailed video on HuggingFace & Langchain, been 4,5 days since i found HuggingFace & Langchain. I have few question, could you please clear these will be very helpful.

    I'm creating an android application, where i'm using HuggingFace Interface API endpoints, where i'm using 2 models – Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-large, google/flan-t5-xxl, is there any limitation on HuggingFace access token? or if these modal is paid or free?

    I've to deploy this android application on playstore for the large group of people, any challanges or risk i might face in future? Please answer.
    Btw loved your video, getting interest into Generative AI. Keep creating such content, it really really helps us. Thank you so much ❤

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