
Unveiling the Mystery: How Llama-3 Surpassed Models x200 Its Size


How Did Llama-3 Beat Models x200 Its Size?


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How Did Llama-3 Beat Models x200 Its Size? の画像

Written by bycloud


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  1. Every open-source release serves as a tax write-off for them. By making these models open source, they not only sidestep federal scrutiny regarding AI safety but also enhance their brand recognition and repair their reputation. Remember the memes poking fun at Facebook when it rebranded as Meta?

  2. Naah its clever way of majority of normal people doing job for them by so called fine tunning using their data on external machines that nvidia and VMware and other would provide … whey will use data of all people kindly delivering data to them un(knowingly). Dong job for them with 90% of data deliver for ai training … those poeple would have so called free local AI with fraction of processing power and fraction of all data. Not to metion you dont know if you got normal data or maybe this algorytms they providing for free got any trojan horse mechanism inside … If I were this giant doing free version I would make sure it will not be a threat for anything…

  3. Now this is some armchair quarterback level stuff, but I really don't feel that very large parameter models are the solution to AI accuracy. I think you will soon see a race to the bottom, for who can make the smallest, well-performing LLM that can fit into a smartphone or tablet. I think the largest use of LLMs in the future will be on-device. I'm really surprised that you can move from 8 billion parameters, to over 400 billion, and really not see anywhere near the return in performance or reasoning. It will be interesting to see what the future holds, but it is just as interesting to understand some of the limitations of where we conduct research going forward. Apple has a very different take on this, I think they will be showing off shortly.

  4. what people fail to realize is meta does opensource a lot of their stuff but its not because of the open source philosophy that every other company would use, they openly mention that open sourcing helps them improve more both financially and technically, major things meta targets by opening their stuff is, 1. creating an industry standard, as everyone would flock to using open source things if it is performing better or even close to the best thing out there, heck people would still use open source even if it isn't the best one out there which would eventually lead to people learning more about or through that product meaning eventually it would be adopted as an industry standard as majority of the people would know how to use it, and the 2nd thing is improving their own systems, by open sourcing they their stuff they let the crowd help them with improving their system which has helped meta a lot in the past, and as there would be more literate people for that product it would be much easier and cheaper to hire someone to work, in the end it saves them time and money, and meta is not after the direct monetization of AI, they're pretty good with monetizing their products and until they're sure people would use their service or pay for it they won't monetize it.

    Even though i don't trust any company with my data specially meta, they're pretty good at improving and monetizing their stuff

  5. Is there real substance in your video ?

    You talk way too much with no meat …

    You have compared Llama to the 10 billion existing LLMs but not the latest GPT 4 … Why ? That is actually the only one that matters …

    How would you feel if i introduced you to a new cell phone OS and compared it to Nokia Sembian … Black berry … Motorella OS and every cell OS on earth but not iOS or Android !!!!

    That is what you are doing …

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