
The Future of AI: Unveiling the Revolutionary Claude 3.5 Sonnet


Thew New “Claude 3.5 Sonnet” Actually SHOCKED The Industry! – Beats Gpt4o

AI技術は、現代社会においてますます重要な役割を果たしています。その魅力の1つは、自然言語処理の進歩により、大規模言語モデル(LLM)の開発が可能となったことです。例えば、最新のClaude 3.5 Sonnetは、人間の詩作能力に匹敵するほどの詩を生成することができるとされています。



AI技術は未来へ向けた可能性を秘めており、私たちの生活や社会に革新的な変化をもたらすことが期待されています。この急速に進化する分野で最新情報をキャッチアップし、「The AiGrid」チャンネルで学んでみませんか?AI技術の可能性は無限大です。是非チャンスを掴んでください!


Thew New

Written by TheAIGRID


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です

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  1. I tried using it as a dev co-pilot and could not believe how fast I ran out of messages. And I even paid for the Pro plan, which just gives you more messages. It's a ridiculously low limit to start with. But whats worse is Claude's short-term memory loss. It continuously forgot my instructions, or simply ignored them. I had to remind it countless times and regenerate which really burns through messages fast. And it would edit parts of the script that I did not ask it to edit. No matter how many times I reminded, in an effort to correct the behavior, it continued to repeat the same mistakes. Claude is also way too fast to offer substitute code or an alternate approach when something broke or didn't run as expected, rather than try to figure out what went wrong. This tendency will send you so far down a rabbit hole, breaking things that once worked along the way, that you have to start all over again with a version that did work from twenty prompts previous. All of this makes the limited number of messages for a Pro subscription unusable. You'll get more out of the free version of ChatGPT.

    It's also worth mentioning that Anthropic provides zero support to paying Pro subscribers. I've sent four emails over one week and haven't received a single reply.

  2. bleh, I don't carry a cell phone so therefore I can't try out claude myself. =( GAH… I spent all my money on an AI workstation, I really don't have any use for a phone… I'm absolutely gleeful with my landline, using a classic desktop phone which could have been made at any time between 1970 and 2000…

  3. reminds me of the crypto bubble, oh this coin is faster in tx, oh this now is faster, and look another one that is a bit faster.. nobody is shocked, you just click baiting your titles.. and it works gg.. i hate my self for clicking on such useless videos. dude do some research that helps us. if i wane waste my time, i can ask gpt to write me code..

  4. This of course actually does look like something that is actually a major advance and of course will actually help the average user. But I actually do think your narrator does of course need to actually work on his delivery style. Everything is "actually" and every "does" do something, and of course "of course" is also used far too much. All of this is distracting. Send your narrator to school or find a new narrator.

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