
「未来を切り開くAI技術の魅力:Claude 3.5 Sonnet for vision」


Claude 3.5 Sonnet for vision

AI技術の進化は目覚ましいものがありますが、その中でもClaude 3.5 Sonnetは私たちの強力なビジョンモデルです。このモデルの改良点は、チャートやグラフの解釈、また不完全な画像からのテキスト転写など、視覚的推論を必要とするタスクにおいて最も顕著です。

Claude 3.5 Sonnetは、従来のAI技術では難しかった課題にも対応し、高度な画像処理能力を持っています。これにより、ビジネスや研究分野でさまざまな用途に活用することが可能となります。



Claude 3.5 SonnetはAI技術の未来を切り開く先駆者として注目されるべきモデルであり、その優れた性能と多様な応用可能性が魅力的です。


Claude 3.5 Sonnet for vision の画像

Written by Anthropic


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  1. I tried using it as a dev co-pilot and could not believe how fast I ran out of messages. And I even paid for the Pro plan, which just gives you more messages. It's a ridiculously low limit to start with. But whats worse is Claude's short-term memory loss. It continuously forgot my instructions, or simply ignored them. I had to remind it countless times and regenerate which really burns through messages fast. And it would edit parts of the script that I did not ask it to edit. No matter how many times I reminded, in an effort to correct the behavior, it continued to repeat the same mistakes. Claude is also way too fast to offer substitute code or an alternate approach when something broke or didn't run as expected, rather than try to figure out what went wrong. This tendency will send you so far down a rabbit hole, breaking things that once worked along the way, that you have to start all over again with a version that did work from twenty prompts previous. All of this makes the limited number of messages for a Pro subscription unusable. You'll get more out of the free version of ChatGPT.

    It's also worth mentioning that Anthropic provides zero support to paying Pro subscribers. I've sent four emails over one week and haven't received a single reply.

  2. 6 months later the teacher lost his job because it was cheaper to have AI teach the class. 6 months after that the school closed because the students could get their education for free at home. 6 months after that there was no longer a need for formal education at home as most fields of professional employment study became pointless for humans.



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