
Unleashing the Potential of AI: How Google’s Gemini Catastrophe is Shaping the Future of Tech

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Google's Gemini Catastrophe: Wake-Up Call for Woke Tech?


1. 効率と正確性: AI技術は膨大なデータを瞬時に処理し、分析することができます。これにより、人間に比べて遥かに高速で正確な情報処理が可能となります。これは企業や組織において業務の効率化や意思決定のサポートを行う上で非常に有益です。

2. 予測能力: AI技術はデータからパターンを見つけ出し、未来の動向やトレンドを予測する能力を持っています。これにより、ビジネス戦略の立案や市場動向の分析など、将来を見据えた計画立案が可能となります。

3. 人間の負担軽減: AI技術は単純作業やルーチン業務を自動化することで、人間の負担を軽減します。これにより従業員はより価値ある仕事に集中することができるようになります。

4. カスタマイズされたサービス: AI技術は顧客データから個々のニーズや嗜好を把握し、それに基づいてカスタマイズされたサービスや製品提供が可能となります。これは顧客満足度の向上や競争力強化につながる重要なポイントです。


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Google's Gemini Catastrophe: Wake-Up Call for Woke Tech? の画像

Written by Vivek Ramaswamy


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  1. Forgive me for disagreeing but women are 1/2 the population. If they represent 1/2 the engineers for a company that sells ads they can come up with ways to fix the abuses they have experienced in their lives by preventing it from happening to other women.
    When I went to electrical and computer engineering school there were 400 guys and one girl. The girl quit by the second day.

  2. Vivek, I seldom interact with YouTube and comment, but people need to know, this man has a finger on the pulse of the generation who will be running this country for the next fifty years.

    I will be HIGHLY disappointed if you're not selected as our VP and carry America First into the future.

  3. If there was systematic racism holding woman back from engineering than when you ask them to show you the laws or actions that held them back they will not be able to show you. Where we live immigrants used to be welcomed and hired since they were normal people. Now I know numerous companies that won't hire them anymore because they keep calling others racist whenever they get mad or angry. When you ask them what they did that was racist… they say it is just a feeling… and all when I seen first hand they got treated better than other white employees to counter that label. And of course it pisses the employees off. For example if I asked you why Google was racist here… can you give me the actions and reasoning… or do you have to say it is just a feeling??? And calling somebody racist based on a feeling just because they are mad and want to ignore the data as to why they are mad is also racist.

    It's an easy trick to detect if somebody is hiding behind the race card to create an unjustified ignorance trigger in their mind to ignore the data within it. If it is a racist action… then you can describe it like we can with Google. Or the immigrants in that example. If not you get a feeling, or some other ghost like nonesense.

    If it is racist it will always hurt them more than help them too. And it will also be based on hypocrisy at the core. Such as if the Nazis started changing any black hero's accomplishments to white. Good stuff Google???

    The fact that most people don't realize racism is just the opposite of the pattern for science is funny to me. Any scientist can see it since it violates the pattern we use to check all science. If it is a pattern that benefits society, thus the person. Or in this case company. Racism will not. Thus is the opposite of science since that is just based on hypocrisy due to the mind needing to use it when it does unscientific things.

    So the next time the woke generation claims this just ask them to show you the laws and actions that are racist. If they do not exist than you know it is an unjustified ignorance trigger which tricks the mind into ignoring the negative consequences of their psychopathic and sociopathic decisions.

    The great thing about the mind being a simple computer is you can check the data to see if it is correct by just looking at the structure they are using. So here they wanted an unjustified goal, the person gave real reasons behind the data, and they wanted to ignore it by calling them racist to get their goal. It's a common pattern all racist use since unjustified ignorance triggers are the last step they have to cut off the data to distract, ignore and deny it. So by asking them what pattern they think is racist, having them explain there are none, sets you up to explain how they are just calling you racist to ignore their own psychopathic and sociopathic behavior that is hurting them and others to get away with their racism. And remember all systematic racists were the "Good guys/gals." at the time. And that is how they did it.

    High school psychology classes would cover all this since showing students how the mind works also shows them how racism works.

  4. Vivek is a sneaky anti black racist. Sneakly always trying to tie in negative stuff with black people then using negativity to wrongfully link to diversity equity and inclusion. Vivek plants seeds of resentment towards black people. These politicians try to divide people. They make things a black vs white issue to set the stage, then they go into the other issues. The politicians with the help of the media appropriated the term "woke" from black people, then made up their own meaning and added transgender and Lbgtq and a bunch of other things which were totally unrealted to the original meaning and use of the term "woke". They took a positive thing from black people and turned it into their own new thing thats a mixed bag of contraversey. They then use the term as something negative to insult people with and bring resentment to black people since they tie the black positive origin of the term with a bunch of unrelated movements that they deem as negative and curropt.

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