What are Large Language Models (LLMs)?
AI技術の進化は目覚ましいものがありますが、その中でも特に注目すべきなのがLarge Language Models(LLMs)です。これは、コンピューターが言語を処理し生成する能力を前代未聞のレベルまで高めた強力なニューラルネットワークです。
LLMsの仕組みはTransformerと呼ばれるアーキテクチャに基づいており、これによって長い文章や文脈を理解し処理する能力が向上しています。TransformerはAttention Mechanism(注意機構)という概念を活用しており、文脈を適切に把握することでより質の高い出力を生み出しています。
Google DevelopersではMLmodelsやGenerative AIなど最新のAI技術に関する情報を提供しています。興味がある方は是非サブスクライブして最新情報を手に入れてみてください。
AI技術の進歩は私たちの生活やビジネスに革命的な変化をもたらす可能性があります。Large Language Modelsはその先駆けであり、言語処理技術の未来を拓く重要な存在です。その魅力的な可能性に触れてみてください。
Great explanation
The world officially changed forever, Pandora’s box unlocked 2024. I’m an early adopter and investor so I’m retired and watching this play out now 🍿
AI is a sophisticated…parrot!
Martinez Kimberly Jackson Brenda Lewis Mark
Very good video!
gosh they are beautiful
This video demonstrates what's wrong with google lately..
it seams i've been living under a rock jhajhajha ::/
I found more understanding with this video vs one 12 times longer due to the extremely positively beneficial way this was presented in an extremely easy to learn visual manner so thank you very much indeed ❤️
Your insights are like gems that light up every conversation.
Looks like a dead heat in a zeppelin race 👀
what is a mud kiln?
Aweful audio quality
Thank you! this has helped me learn more about this
So clearly,thank you very much
Deneme yorum
Amazing video gilrs! Thank you!
I like that the video starts with an insult.
Thanks, great infos, and very friendly girls. Take care
France is to Paris , Japan is to …….????
So you mean to say there is a sentence in word corpus that is very close to above sentence. So my question is i doubt that above sentence is there in word corpus then how will it predict Tokyo. Is there any other technique also used?
The first AI transformer model, known as "Transformer," was introduced by researchers at Google in the paper titled "Attention is All You Need," published by Vaswani et al. in 2017.