
Unleashing Creativity: How AI Technology is Revolutionizing the Artistic Process


Claude 3.5 Sonnet for sparking creativity

AI技術の進化が加速している中、Anthropic社が開発したClaude 3.5 Sonnetはその最先端を行く存在と言えます。この最新バージョンでは、Artifactsという新機能が追加され、ユーザーがClaudeとのやり取りをさらに深めることが可能になりました。



Claude 3.5 Sonnetの魅力は、AI技術を活用した創造性豊かなコラボレーション体験が可能となった点です。今後もAnthropic社の取り組みから目が離せません。


Claude 3.5 Sonnet for sparking creativity の画像

Written by Anthropic


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  1. Gemini is the worst, ChatGPT somewhat ok but Sonnet is actually the king. I started using it just a couple of weeks ago and was mind-blowned how much of complex instructions it can handle without errors while ChatGPT just outright fails and Gemini doesn't even know what to do, with the exact same command. I'll get their pro version just to support their work. On social and political questions, Gemini spits propaganda straight from US state dept. while Sonnet gives actual honest factual answers too. Kudos to you guys.

  2. I tried using it as a dev co-pilot and could not believe how fast I ran out of messages. And I even paid for the Pro plan, which just gives you more messages. It's a ridiculously low limit to start with. But whats worse is Claude's short-term memory loss. It continuously forgot my instructions, or simply ignored them. I had to remind it countless times and regenerate which really burns through messages fast. And it would edit parts of the script that I did not ask it to edit. No matter how many times I reminded, in an effort to correct the behavior, it continued to repeat the same mistakes. Claude is also way too fast to offer substitute code or an alternate approach when something broke or didn't run as expected, rather than try to figure out what went wrong. This tendency will send you so far down a rabbit hole, breaking things that once worked along the way, that you have to start all over again with a version that did work from twenty prompts previous. All of this makes the limited number of messages for a Pro subscription unusable. You'll get more out of the free version of ChatGPT.

    It's also worth mentioning that Anthropic provides zero support to paying Pro subscribers. I've sent four emails over one week and haven't received a single reply.

  3. I just finished running some basic coding experiments with Claude vs ChatGPT … . Claude output is way nicer, easier to read to the point and fast. But its limited .. I can work with ChatGPT all day, throw thousands of lines of code at it. With Claude, it complained after 10 minutes of usage and fraction of the code. It told me I was 10% over my limit and wanted to start a new conversation .. So its really only good for short tasks? This is with a paid subscription .. Meh – For my use case seems ChatGPT is much better, going to cancel until it changes limits.

  4. I subscribed today. You made me to leave OpenAI with all of my projects. Next week I’ll change all scripts as well.

    I love the way Claude communicates. It never discriminates me, because I tried to engineer a prompt that helps to identify certain types of inputs.

    It was frustrating with ChatGPT. It always tried to discuss the content, instead of helping me with the engineering process.

    I’m glad that I tested Claude! And I feel rescued from ChatGPT. ❤

ChatGPT tem agora um motor de busca para competir com o Google


Ricardo Lopes
