
Discover the Cutting-Edge AI Power of Google Gemini Gems: How it Outperforms Custom GPTs

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New Google Gemini Gems Beats Custom GPTs

Geminiの新機能である「Gems」は、Gemini AdvancedとWorkspaceアドオンユーザー向けに導入されました。



Gemini AI教育およびコミュニティプラットフォームへの参加し、AI分野のトップコース20以上に即座にアクセスしてください。Gemini Gemsがどのように生産性向上や創造的な協力を促進するか詳しく知りたい方は、以下リンクから詳細情報をご覧ください:


New Google Gemini Gems Beats Custom GPTs の画像

Written by Skill Leap AI


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  1. I can put links to web pages in the instructions in a GPTs to get fresh information. Both Google and Anthropic have been a little slow to do this. Dario Amodei has been on my mailing list for months. I have written to him about doing something like GPTs and also done demos. I suggested something like this to OpenAI soon after it was released.

  2. I've created several Gems. Absolutely love it! For example, as an English learner, I created a Gem called English Beautifier which helps me fix typos, grammar mistakes and make sentences more idiomatic. It saves me boilerplate prompts like "Help me improve the following sentence:".

  3. i was surprised about this development because about a month ago i was trying to use gemini as an assistant for expense, schedule tracking by pinning a chat and actually gave it the name "Gem". i am still trying to learn so this was just my initial idea on how to do it. the problem was that there's a limit on the duration of availability of chats/activities so it was not able to remember past transactions. also i was having trouble linking and updating files in my google drive thru gemini, and i think it is not possible so i discontinued what i was doing.
    maybe i'll try it again this time by creating a another "Gem".

  4. Thanks for the video. Do the gems only pull your data from your Google Drive, or can you assign it to pull and summarize other data on the net? For example, can it pull from Google trends, Pinterest trends, and Reddit r/popular and then summarize the data in a table or other format? I would like to know if it can be used as a research associate so I don't have to go out and manually collect the data. Thanks again for the video.



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